Sunday, November 22, 2009

Yule gifts time!

I am on a Roll with the yule gifts LOL

I made my eldest daughter a Blanket, and I have made 4 hats and am almost finished with two scarves (LOL I can stair at the same color/pattern for long to I do two at a time and switch off)

I have to make the Finger puppets, and the Magnetic Fishing game for the girls this week...and then I hope to start making dresses for the girls..

I also made apple butter and will give out homemade bread to the Adult family members we give to...Its a Tight year, but even this early it is so far the best we have had LOL.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Long time no see.

Oh how time does fly, I havent posted here in ages it seems LOL

I dont really have allot to say, the growing season is over, I re-homed my Chickens (They live on a nice farm a few miles from me with Geese, ducks and other chickens!) for lack of winter housing, I still bake and Cook but nothing really exciting LOL

I will update again soon.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I cant wait any longer

I Pulled out my fall items...

Not Halloween, Just fall...Like my wreath, and my pumpkin coffee mugs and Sugar container
and little odds and ends...I know I am a bit headed of myself But I cant help it...My fall crops are coming in and I think its time to "Doll up" my house for fall...because I swear here fall is only a month and a half long then we have Snow...So I want it to Last a Bit!!!!

I wonder if people think I am crazy LOL

Sunday, August 9, 2009

We have a birth plan

As of late we have been thinking strongly of my births.

My first was in a Hospital, My second was in a hotel room with a Midwife (If you MUST know why the can IM or e-mail me)

Now, I just feel that My Husband and I are going to go unassisted.
I know this is a touchy subject for many...even for me, since I feel so strongly about it....I feel it is the best choice for me and the best choice for My baby.

I also feel it is the best choice for my family....I Have done the research, thought this through long and hard (Yeah for a LONG time...since I was Pregnant with my second child...over two years ago now.)

I am Vary excited about my choice, yet sadly can not tell my whole family since they tend to be fear mongers (And I mean the pop off with crazy stuff to...not just the "what ifs").
I saddens my husband and I to keep this a secret but since most of them seemed offended that I chose to forgo the Epidural last time...they wouldn't take to this well.

Anyways, I just thought I would post this...since the pregnancy is such a Big part of My life at this point.

(For those who would like more information on UC is a great place to start)

Ahhh fall is coming slowly but surely

I am feeling vary good about this year, We have plans to visit a few Apple orchards (Mmmm fresh apples)
and then OF COURSE Pumpkin Patches Galore.

While the PP doesn't open for awhile...a few Apple orchards have apples ready...I will be buying a few bushels so that I can can and store Apple butter, Apple pie filling, Apple sauce, and Apple Jelly.

I will also be freezing apple slices so that I can use them in recipes all winter...I Cant wait. I LOVE the tastes of fall!

I will also be buying many pumpkins, I plan on having enough to last us through winter...I plan on making everything from Pumpkin pie filling through pumpkin butter...I have ALLOT of recipes being handed to me right now so after I test them all I will post them.

I just cant wait...I am so thrilled.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Getting ready for Yule

I know that its still a long ways off (Well not really only 5 months-ish!)...But why not get a headstart?
I am planning on making all the gifts for my children and family this year...
I plan on making homemade Goodies for the family Like soaps and body scrubs (and Closer to yule cookies and yummy goodies!)

I am going to start a few blankets for My girls and their cousin Hannah. Then also going to make them stuffed animals...

I plan on canning some homemade jellies and jams for them and then the day before yule making some sweet breads to go with them.

I Have allot to do before then and It will take some time since I have to make things for the new baby as well.

I am also making a art set for the older kids...But I will buy the things and put it together

I am going to get started next week with the blankets, and the start a few baby blankets to...we will see how it goes from there.

ahhh fall in july

Yep...I would swear fall is on its way in right now...

It hasn't been warm here! its Kind of driving me nuts (And making me want pumpkin pie!)
My garden is still growing vary well...I have another dozen tomatoes ready to be plucked (I plucked 6 yesterday) My Peas are ready...and we have about 40 bell peppers that are almost ready...My Cabbage has come in (All at once like always)

Yeah its been a short summer...and I am starting to wish that fall was really would be fun if it was cooler and we where going to get fresh apple cider donuts and Hot apple Cider...

Oh well....maybe it will warm up soon.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Big news has a bit of change

My due date is NOT the 4 th of is Feb 23 (Hubby's birthday)
My ultrasound was showing me at 6 weeks not for (It does make sense with my Menstrual)

Today I am 7 weeks 3 days With a Long ways to Go!


Sickness set in at my house a few days ago...
My youngest was first...High fever then she went horse.
Then My Elder daughter got a sore throat.
Now I have what feels to be a double ear infection, and a Killer sore throat (On top of the morning sickness)
UGH, I think I got hit the hardest, its not fun.
I have tried a few things tonight, I used Garlic/willow oil in my ears... Gargled Vinegar, then drank some hot lemon water with a touch of honey.
My ears feel a bit better, but my throat is almost worse now (Maybe in the morning it will feel better).

I have to say its this weird weather, its been odd here and Quit cold (For july) and its been rainy and gross...I hope we get some warmer, dry days soon...maybe that would help my ickiness.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big news

I am Pregnant with baby #3!

My due date is the 4th of March 2010 and I am 4 weeks pregnant today!
I cant wait to get big and round! and I cant wait for all the different Pregnancy tid bits (You know, Like baby kicks and watching your belly do "the wave".

I am So undecided, about where I am going to give Birth this time. I love My midwife but I don't want to leave state this time around, I would love to just give birth at home...

I don't know if I am up to a UC, I don't know if I am really there yet. I trust my body, but do I trust my brain enough to know what to do if I hemorrhage (I did with my youngest daughter)

I guess I will Figure out what to do I have 8 more months to decide!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cleaning day.

here are some of my cleaners.

This and that cleaner (All purpose)
1/2 cup vinegar
a small squeeze Natural dish detergent
2-3 cups water
Essential oil of your choice! (I like Dragons blood myself, but also like lavender)

Mix all in spray bottle and get cleaning! (BTW I use 2-4 drops E.O. But sometimes more, To much and you will have an over powering perfumy smell)

Dirty floor detox
(I don't know how this reacts with certain floorings, I use it on my hard wood and tile)
A squeeze Natural dish soap
1/2 a cup of baking soda
essential oil (Again I like dragons blood, But Orange is nice as well)
1-2 drops tea tree oil

Shiny time glass cleaner
(This one is REAL easy)
Mix equal parts vinegar and water
you may add tea tree oil, but its not a must.

Shaking the sneezes dusting water
(I would recommend making sure this doesn't damage certain finishes)
1/2 cup vinegar
the juice of half lemon
1 cup water.

I hope this helps some get a start on getting Clean and Green!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A few steps backwards

I started washing My clothes by hand a few weeks ago...
I work at whenever need be and I have to say I really enjoy it!

Yes, I have a washing machine, But frankly it doesn't do the job as well as I do and uses twice the Water!
I got this strange notion that I could do a better job by hand for most things (Not my cloth diapers thought...I use the machine for them) and I was right.

I started making my own laundry soap, washing by hand and hang drying, My Kids LOVE it...My daughter Will about fight me to get her hands in the wash water and do some cleaning (Makes me so proud!)
My niece comes on laundry Making Day and grates the soap while I do everything else.
Its a big help and cuts my work time by half (And If need be I can chase the baby while she grates!)

Ahhh A few steps "Backwards" and My life feels so easy...I cook, clean, and care for my babies and Fur babies...
Since all my lifestyle changes I feel like a better person, and feel like I don't have to worry as much....Simplifying has really Changed my life for the better.
and a small task like washing the clothes by hand just makes me feel good.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The garden is growing Like crazy!

everything is growing so well this year!
Its wonderful seeing how hard work becomes such a bounty in a matter of months!
We have Large tomatoes that will be red before the 4th of July (That's my guess at least) and the Blueberries are turning Blue and I got to eat a few today They where SO good straight off they Bush!
I have some peppers coming in (the only bad part is that they are supposed to be bell peppers! they where mislabeled!) they are yummy and sweet...not hot.
My zucchini is growing extremely fast, as is my cauliflower!
Peas are vining quickly and the beans have flowers!
I got to eat baby greens from one of my pots today, they where so tender....the BEST salad I EVER had!
Its so worth while to plant a garden, I now couldn't imagine summer without it!

My chickens are growing

My chicks are starting to look like chickens, Its so neat to watch them root around in the dirt and Dust bath!
They are eating Like crazy and enjoying their new coupe, I cant wait to see what they look like full grown!
I have to say I cant believe how easy raising chickens has been so far, While you do have to clean the coupe out (Not hard since the bottom slides out and is lined with newspaper!) and you have to check their food a few times a day...But they are the EASIEST animals I have cared for yet!
I hope anyone afraid to have chickens for fear that they are hard work reads this, They are easy, and fun!
Its so funny to watch them day in and day out...They have such personalities! Annebelle is a fighter LOL she likes to Jump and Abbigail....Abbigail is Lazy when you let her out to roam she falls over and goes to sleep (Not always but allot!)
I have to say I LOVE CHICKENS!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Could they survive?

Could most people survive if we had a crisis and their was no gas, Not food at the Store, and no one to save them?

I dont thinks so,It maybe Crazy to think about, maybe its scary (It scares me) But Sitting back acting like that cant happen is a death sentance if it does happen!
People now Dont have basic survival Skills, They wouldnt know how to Forage for food, How to garden or save seeds, They wouldnt know how to get meat, They wouldnt know how to survive!

I dread the topic, Because I usually am made to feel as if I was crazy, But to me its crazy that no one else seems to worry about how they and their families would survive.

I wish more people would open their minds to what could happen if things keep going in this direction....we could not be able to afford foor, or gas...and State Aid isnt going to be able to bail out everone.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

living a frugal Life

It seems simple enough right?

Its harder then it seems sometimes, Especially when you need things!
I had to buy canning gear, and get food at the store (I HATE buying food anymore), we needed some pectin and other things.

I hope that soon I will be better at being frugal, So far I haven't done so well...But doing better at it day by day.

I am Learning to quilt now, and going to start making summer Dresses for the girls.
I Learned how to can, that will save us money in the Long run though!
I Have re-started making my own laundry soap and got some kerosene lamps_sp_ (thanks Grandma!)
I have made all my cleaners except dish soap.
I am also hoping to learn to make bath soaps as well.

I have been thrifting, Hoping to find fabric and odds and ends like buttons and other things of that nature.
I Did find an old petal foot singer sewing machine(My mothers day gift From My Hubby) which I will be learning to use, but for now I am using the singer Sewing Machine From Wal-mart that Hubby got me for x-mas (LOL I have 3 machines all together now, I also have a singer "rocketier" from the early 60's).
Its So much more fun bargain Hunting at Yard sales and thrift store then going to the mall....I cant count how many Items I find with tags still on!

I have started Meal planning and that's going well, It stops me from impulse Shopping (well Mostly).

I am Learning the Ins and outs of the frugal Life...slowly mind you.

Now its time for me to iron some fabric for my daughters new Quilt...she needs a New blanket since her store bought one is a bit tattered (Yeah, One year and it looks like crap...Thanx wal-mart :(


The garden is growing like mad!

We have Huge tomatoes Coming in, They should start ripening soon!
The Blueberries are turing Purple and the strawberries are Red!
My bell peppers are coming in and the Zuccini plants are Huge!
Peas are up to my knees and The beans are getting flowers.
My salad greens are Getting Bigger By the Minute!

We even got to eat a bit from the garden today, Just Green Onions But they where the best ever!

Its so nice to see our Garden in full swing! everything is Doing SO well this year, and I hope that they produce Like they are growing now!

My Cherries are also starting to turn Red! (Woooo Cherry Pie!)

I am SO excited, It seems we will have a great year, Lets just all Hope those bettle things dont destroy anything later this Year.


I canned for the first time today.

It was fun and easy! I was so amazed at how easy it was! I was putting it off because I was afraid that it was going to be way to difficult to do all summer long.

I decided To learn how before my garden came in so I picked up organic strawberries and made jam, Its a little thin but Its still REALLY good!

So now I have confidence in canning everything for winter!

I hope everyone who thought it would be to hard gives it a try, I had Fun doing it and can wait for picking season to start so I can learn to make all kinds of great canned food!

Monday, June 8, 2009

long weekend

This was such a long weekend.

Family picnic and grad party....and other things as well.

I need to get caught up on my Garden now and fix somethings around the house (I swear Gone for two days and everything falls apart!)

We had fun though and the Amazing thing is we have family who shares some of our values when it comes to Organic Gardening and the Like (Which is cool because we dont have allot in common with allot of the family....we are the "weird" "country" family who doesnt want to swim in the same stream as everyone else.)

Our Grandma Liked what she heard about the Garden and our chicks....She thinks its great!

It was in all a fun weekend filled with family, friends, and Good food!
And the Only real damage was my camera is ruined due to a thunderstorm and My leaving it outside in the rush.

Monday, June 1, 2009

this week

Had a Bad week I guess.

It was a "good" week but not for me.

I spent far to much money, and we shopped to much...

I hate spending money, and Part of my goals is to spend less stay home more and thiss week I failed at it.

It wouldnt have been so bad but I didnt spend money on things I need just junk I didnt need.

But Nothing I can do about it now, I will just have to suck it up and do better this week.

Well, I have more updates coming soon and new pictures of my garden to post.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Newest babies!

These are my new babies!
They are names Annebelle and Abbegail
They are So cute and So much fun!
I am so excited about my new baby chicks that I can barely Contain myself!
They are "arucana"(sp?) But I dont think they are True arucanas Because they dont have the Long feathers at the side of their faces.
I believe they are Just an "easter Egger" chicken....they lay teal or blue eggs and will be at laying age in about 5-6 months!
They are vary friendly and are easy to hand and quite cheap to feed!
I will keep updates about my new little Chicks!

A better day in bread making!

So My bread Making went MUCH better now that I have a Good Recipe!

Their is nothing as wonderful as a home Filled with the aroma of Fresh Baked Bread!

I am going to make it once a week (maybe more if I need to)

So we wont have to buy Bread anymore!

Here is the recipe!

3 cups warm water ( about 100 degrees)
2 packs of Dry active yeast
1/3 cup honey
5 cups bread flour
1/3 cup honey
3 tbs. butter melted
1 tbs. salt
3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tbs melted butter

In large bowl mix warm water yeast and 1/3 cup honey. Then add 5 cups bread flour mix lightly let stand for 30 minutes or bubbley (Mine never got I did just the 30 min.)
Then mix in 3tbs, melted butter and 1/3 cup honey and salt, stir in 2 cups whole wheat flour.
Kneed on floured surface until it JUST pulls from the counter (You may need to add 2-4 cups of WW flour while kneading)
Place in greased bowl (Rolling dough to coat) allow to rise until doubled in size.
Punch down devide into three loaves (Or you can make dinner rolls of you wish) Let dough rise till 1 inch above rim of pan
Bake at 350 for 25-30 Min.
Lightly brush top of bread with butter to prevent hard top crust...Let Cool and Eat!

(This is another Great recipe to use the Homemade Butter with!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A cool Rainy day

My garden is enjoying the weather yet I am not.

Its cloudy and Gray, And I want nothing more then to have something to do today.

I guess today I will do some baking and some sewing I need to start a New Blanket for our room and I am looking into making cloth pads (For My Moon Cycle) and sewing the Girls some new clothing.

Usually to me that is the perfect day, But Today I just want to be in the sun working in the Garden and Playing with My Girls...and we have 2-3 more days of this grayness ahead.

But I will suck it up and make the best of this gloomy day!

My home is my paradise and I am not letting some stormy weather rain on my good time!

Rainy day Ideas





Play board games

CLEAN ( that Always needs done LOL)



Be creative!

Bread making

So last night I set out to make home-made Bread.

It was OK but nothing fab and I was Proud yet sadly Disapointed!

The Good thing was it did Rise and did Look and smell like bread but it was a bit Dry and bland.

I am going to take a Crack at it again today and hope it goes better!

Anyone out there in Cyber Space have good Recipes for bread ?

Monday, May 25, 2009


Mmmm I cant wait till I can eat them!

I bought 4 Older B.B. Bushes that are starting to fruit and then 2 "starter" plants!
I finished putting them is this morning!

I love not having to go to the store for Blueberries (OMG 5$ a SMALL pack right now!) they just are not the same and tend to be bland, but fresh off the bush BBs cant be beat!

My little urban homestead is moving along beautifully!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My garden

So its done!

My garden is Planted (Woooo!)

We have tomatoes, Peas, Green beans, Brussels, cabbage, Zuccini, Cauliflower, Bluebarries, Onions, Cucumbers, bell peppers and we will plant the pumpkins in a few weeks!

Not to mention all my herbs!

Its so nice to have it done! Now all I have to do is get a few rain barrels and we wont have to use city water to take care of them!

I bought canning stuff last year but was afraid to start canning, so we gave lots of food away...But not this year! We are going to can, Freeze, and dry it!

Its so Nice to produce your own food! You know EXACTLY where is comes from and have the Joy of fresh, Healthy food!

Oh and I got my clothes line back up as well! ahhh they joys of life are so simple!

Being Oldfashioned

I wasn't always "Old fashioned" I used to Love the "Modern" Life everyone seems to follow today...I use Sposies, Ate Processed Foods (I still drink Soda) and Loved my Chemical cleaners.

My first daughter Got the "mainstream" treatment...

She was born in the hospital with drugs, wore sposies, Got all her shots, Ate Jar babyfood, the list goes on and on!

But when I get Pregnant with My second Child Things just changed, I started wondering what I was doing, and why I was doing it. What was In the Baby shampoo? What Chemicals where Sprayed on our food? What was My family breathing when I cleaned the house? What was I dong to us? To our Home? and to the Planet we ALL live on?

and so it began, My quest to know what is REALLY going on when I take care of my family and home.

I started Small, I was pregnant and worried about Birth. I had issues with the Epidural when I had my first so that was a big NO WAY for me, But what about the Other drugs they offer?
Where they good for me? More importantly where they good for My baby?
The answer was no, Drugs effect the baby the same way they effect mom, should My baby be forced to take medications that make us feel wacked out? To me the answer was Clear, NO!

So I found a doctor and stuck with him for awhile, Until I talked to him about wanting to walk around and use a Birthing ball and a Bath tube for pain relief...He told me NO, that women ALWAYS give birth on their back and that I wouldn't be allowed to get up and Move!
So I set out for something else, I found a Midwife My Prayers where answered!

I gave birth To a healthy baby girl in a hotel room In WI (Homebirth with a Midwife is Illegal In my state so No "homeBirth") After 47 Hours of labor and 1 hour of pushing.

I found alternatives to Mainstream Chemical babybath products after learning about the Chemicals they put in them...NO THANKS!

We chose to eat Organics, Because if I wouldn't spray and apple with raid then rinse it and eat it why would I buy something that basically has been?

We chose Cloth Diapers. I know, I know sounds scary doesn't it?
Well its not, and Really its easy! No late night trips to the store, No Chemicals on my baby!

Then Home-made Cleaners! Its Cheaper and YES it cleans JUST as well (I will make a post later Of how to make your own!

so that's where it began (I do allot more now LOL).

Getting started in old fashioned life starts with the basic need to know whats going into making your family healthy!

Friday, May 15, 2009

baking day!

Wondering what you could do on a Rainy day? Maybe your tired of feeding Your family Store Bought Snacks that are filled with Bad stuff? Or even Just wanting to save money!

Have a Baking day!
When you bake it yourself You are avoiding the Unknown Ingredients and the risk of contaminated Products, You can choose if it 100% Organic and best of all You know Your family will love the effort you put into it (Hey and kids are GREAT at Mixing!)

In my home we have "baking day" once a week (Sometimes More!)

It great family fun, and You can make your snack foods healthy if you chose!

Dont know what to make? Well If your reading this you have access to MILLIONS of Recipes!
But here is a good one anyways!

Mommies Favorite Pumpkin Puff cookies

1/2 cup butter
I cup packed Brn. Sugar
1 cup Sugar
1 1/2 cup pumpkin
1 egg
1tsp. Vanilla
2 1/4 cups AP flour
1 1/2 tsp. Grd. Cinnamon
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking soda
1/2 tsp. Grd. nutmeg
Prheat Oven to 375
Beat Butter and Sugars in large bowl till creamy Beat in Pumpkin, egg, and Vanilla until light and somwwhat fluffy.
Mix in flour, Cinn., Baking Powder /soda, and nutmeg till blended Drop heaping Tablespoons onto and ungreased cookie sheet bake Until tooth pick comes out clean!...I think it was about13-14 minutes
Eat warm or cold!

another staple for us on baking day is Home-made Butter! (You cant have Blueberry Muffins without it!)

You need a Mason jar

whole cream

3 marbles.

Put Cream and Marbles in the jar, cap and shake! It will first become whip Cream, then will feel Like its not doing anything...Keep shaking (Or sit on the couch and Bang it on SOFT cushions) Soon the butter will sperate from the Buttermilk! pour off the butter milk and store (You Will want the butter milk for Baking later..Buttermilk buscuts, buttermilk pancakes....)

Put butter in a butter dish or Just put in a bowl and leave on the counter (Not for Long, only if you plan to use it SOON!) then Refigerater like normal butter!

Mushroom Hunting

Our family has SO much fun going Morrel Hunting and Morrels are SUCH a Treat for us!

Since we live in the City we Go to out friends home where there is a large Forested area or to the Local state park! Its fun and easy...and with Morrels it REALLY safe!
Anyone can go Morrel hunting! There is Nothing better then fresh picked wild Morrels.
One mushroom we got is the Size of my hand!

My first Time blogging

Yep a 21 Year old who has never really Blogged before!

My name is Heather and I am a Wife to shawn and a Mother to two Girls and Hoping to be adding a 3rd child soon (If My body lets me).

I am a Hombirthing, Breastfeeding, AP, Gardening, Crafting, Cloth diapering, Midwife loving, Married, Semi-Urban homesteading, Mushroom Hunting, Baby wearing, Tattooed,Clothes line useing, Veggie loving, old fashioned, Pink haired, Mother and Wife!